In the past year, we’ve put together over 300 podcast episodes (each one an opportunity for you to gain confidence and courage!) and are standing at 94,257 downloads (should eclipse 100k this month!). If you listen to the early episodes, I make mention of a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of reaching 1 million downloads. Six months from now, I hope to be there (another BHAG!).

Starting at 1 and aiming for 1 million = bold.

With the 300+ episodes came growth and evolution…

By definition, bold is defined as “confident and courageous; showing an ability to take risks.” The term boldness showed its face time and time over the past 11 months, and so, we decided to make a change…We have decided to rebrand (a change only in name and artwork) from A Fighter’s Mindset to SPANIARD101: Learn to be BOLD.

When I taught Spanish, I used to tell the kids that I’m a teacher of life with a specialty in Spanish. Now, I’m simply a teacher of boldness. I no longer make daily lesson plans on Spanish language and grammar; I make daily lesson plans on boldness (in this book).

Let SPANIARD101: Learn to be BOLD be the course curriculum in your own class of boldness. Consume, listen, re-listen, interact (I give my number out in several episodes!), and use it to write your own story of boldness.

You can find every episode at and listen directly to Ep. #101 here. We go in depth into the name change and what the show can do for you. I strive to bring you the most valuable, most consistent podcast in existence.

I cannot do this alone. I will get nowhere near 1 million downloads in 6 months without your help. Many of you have taken the initiative to text me, and I consider many of you my friends. If you haven’t already, please take that same initiative!

Here are some small, but very helpful, ways you can help spread the show’s message:

  • Sharing episodes on social media (VERY important)
  • Leaving a review on iTunes (VERY important). Here’s how.
  • Subscribe: Here’s how.
  • Tagging friends, liking and commenting on social media.

PS Get in on the action! Visit to opt-in to the weekly Excellence Blueprint – a simple, easy to follow PDF that will help keep you on track.
