Monthly Archives: December 2018

How Books Give Me Purpose

When I was young, I remember my parents making a deal w/ me (and essentially my siblings). As time distorts memories, this is my remembrance and interpretation: Do your best in school and athletics, and we'll take care of the rest. They instilled a norm of excellence; do your best because doing your best is [...]

2020-07-26T23:02:45-04:00December 11th, 2018|0 Comments

Passing on a Lifelong Pursuit of the Ideal

The other day on AMXbooks 626, I spoke of "a lifelong pursuit of the ideal" in reference to George Pocock, the boatbuilder/mentor for the 1936 Univ. of Washington Olympic gold medal team. That idea is as clear as any idea I've ever read. Lifelong learning and continuous improvement is about a lifelong pursuit of the [...]

2020-07-26T23:02:45-04:00December 4th, 2018|0 Comments


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